
HTML 转义字符串 Escape Sequence,也称字符实体 Character Entity 。
在 HTML 中,像 “<” 和 “> ” 这类符号已经用来表示 HTML 标签,因此就不能直接当作文本中的符号来使用。

HTML 中需要转义的字符列表:
  • "&": "&amp;"
  • "<": "&lt;"
  • ">": "&gt;"
  • """: "&quot;"
  • "'": "&#39;"
  • 为了在 HTML 文档中使用这些符号,就需要定义它的转义字符串,当解释程序遇到这类字符串时就把它解释为真实的字符。
    DEC 十进制 Symbol Entity Name Code Description 中文描述
    9 Tab &Tab; &#9; Tab 制表符
    10 New Line &NewLine; &#10; New Line 换行
    13 Carriage Return &#13; Carriage Return 回车
    32 Space &nbsp; &#32; Space 空格
    33 ! &#33; Exclamation mark 感叹号
    34 &quot; &#34; Quotation mark 引号
    35 # &#35; Number sign 数字符号
    36 $ &#36; Dollar sign 美元符号
    37 % &#37; Percent sign 百分号
    38 & &amp; &#38; Ampersand 与号
    39 &#39; Apostrophe Apostrophe
    40 ( &#40; Opening/Left Parenthesis 左括号/左括号
    41 ) &#41; Closing/Right Parenthesis 右括号/右括号
    42 * &#42; Asterisk 星号
    43 + &#43; Plus sign 加号
    44 , &#44; Comma 逗号
    45 &#45; Hyphen 连字符
    46 . &#46; Period 时期
    47 / &#47; Slash 削减
    48 0 &#48; Digit 0 数字 0
    49 1 &#49; Digit 1 数字 1
    50 2 &#50; Digit 2 数字 2
    51 3 &#51; Digit 3 数字 3
    52 4 &#52; Digit 4 数字 4
    53 5 &#53; Digit 5 数字 5
    54 6 &#54; Digit 6 数字 6
    55 7 &#55; Digit 7 数字 7
    56 8 &#56; Digit 8 数字 8
    57 9 &#57; Digit 9 数字 9
    58 : &#58; Colon 冒号
    59 ; &#59; Semicolon 分号
    60 < &lt; &#60; Less-than 少于
    61 = &#61; Equals sign 等号
    62 > &gt; &#62; Greater than 大于
    63 ? &#63; Question mark 问号
    64 @ &#64; At sign 在标志
    65 A &#65; Uppercase A 大写字母 A
    66 B &#66; Uppercase B 大写字母 B
    67 C &#67; Uppercase C 大写字母 C
    68 D &#68; Uppercase D 大写字母 D
    69 E &#69; Uppercase E 大写字母 E
    70 F &#70; Uppercase F 大写字母 F
    71 G &#71; Uppercase G 大写字母 G
    72 H &#72; Uppercase H 大写字母 H
    73 I &#73; Uppercase I 大写字母 I
    74 J &#74; Uppercase J 大写字母 J
    75 K &#75; Uppercase K 大写字母 K
    76 L &#76; Uppercase L 大写字母 L
    77 M &#77; Uppercase M 大写字母 M
    78 N &#78; Uppercase N 大写字母 N
    79 O &#79; Uppercase O 大写字母 O
    80 P &#80; Uppercase P 大写字母 P
    81 Q &#81; Uppercase Q 大写字母 Q
    82 R &#82; Uppercase R 大写字母 R
    83 S &#83; Uppercase S 大写字母 S
    84 T &#84; Uppercase T 大写字母 T
    85 U &#85; Uppercase U 大写字母 U
    86 V &#86; Uppercase V 大写字母 V
    87 W &#87; Uppercase W 大写字母 W
    88 X &#88; Uppercase X 大写字母 X
    89 Y &#89; Uppercase Y 大写字母 Y
    90 Z &#90; Uppercase Z 大写字母 Z
    91 [ &#91; Opening/Left square bracket 左方括号/左方括号
    92 \ &#92; Backslash 反斜杠
    93 ] &#93; Closing/Right square bracket 右方括号/右方括号
    94 ^ &#94; Caret 插入符号
    95 _ &#95; Underscore 下划线
    96 ` &#96; Grave accent 重音
    97 a &#97; Lowercase a 小写字母 a
    98 b &#98; Lowercase b 小写字母 b
    99 c &#99; Lowercase c 小写字母 c
    100 d &#100; Lowercase d 小写字母 d
    101 e &#101; Lowercase e 小写字母 e
    102 f &#102; Lowercase f 小写字母 f
    103 g &#103; Lowercase g 小写字母 g
    104 h &#104; Lowercase h 小写字母 h
    105 i &#105; Lowercase i 小写字母 i
    106 j &#106; Lowercase j 小写字母 j
    107 k &#107; Lowercase k 小写字母 k
    108 l &#108; Lowercase l 小写字母 l
    109 m &#109; Lowercase m 小写字母 m
    110 n &#110; Lowercase n 小写字母 n
    111 o &#111; Lowercase o 小写字母 o
    112 p &#112; Lowercase p 小写字母 p
    113 q &#113; Lowercase q 小写字母 q
    114 r &#114; Lowercase r 小写字母 r
    115 s &#115; Lowercase s 小写字母 s
    116 t &#116; Lowercase t 小写字母 t
    117 u &#117; Lowercase u 小写字母 u
    118 v &#118; Lowercase v 小写字母 v
    119 w &#119; Lowercase w 小写字母 w
    120 x &#120; Lowercase x 小写字母 x
    121 y &#121; Lowercase y 小写字母 y
    122 z &#122; Lowercase z 小写字母 z
    123 { &#123; Opening/Left curly brace 打开/左花括号
    124 | &#124; Vertical bar 竖条
    125 } &#125; Closing/Right curly brace 右花括号/右花括号
    126 ~ &#126; Tilde 波浪号
    128 &#128; Euro sign 欧元符号
    130 &#130; Punctuation mark 标点符号
    131 ƒ &#131; Florin sign 弗罗林标志
    132 &#132; Quotation mark 引号
    133 &#133; Horizontal ellipsis 水平省略号
    134 &#134; Dagger 匕首
    135 &#135; Double dagger 双匕首
    136 ˆ &#136; Circumflex 回旋曲
    137 &#137; Per-mille 每千人
    138 Š &#138; Latin capital letter s with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 s
    139 &#139; Single left angle quotation 单左角报价
    140 Œ &#140; Uppercase ligature OE 大写字母 ligature OE
    142 Ž &#142; Latin capital letter z with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 z
    145 &#145; Opening single quotation mark 打开单引号
    146 &#146; Closing single quotation mark 结束单引号
    147 &#147; Opening double quotation mark 打开双引号
    148 &#148; Closing double quotation mark 结束双引号
    149 &#149; Bullet 子弹
    150 &#150; En dash 破折号
    151 &#151; Em dash 破折号
    152 ˜ &#152; Tilde 波浪号
    153 &#153; Trademark 商标
    154 š &#154; Latin small letter s with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 s
    155 &#155; Single right angle quotation 单直角报价
    156 œ &#156; Lowercase ligature OE 小写字母 ligature OE
    158 ž &#158; Latin small letter z with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 z
    159 Ÿ &#159; Latin capital letter y with diaeresis 带分音符号的拉丁文大写字母 y
    160 Non-breaking space &nbsp; &#160; Non-breaking space 不间断的空间
    161 ¡ &iexcl; &#161; Inverted exclamation mark 倒置感叹号
    162 ¢ &cent; &#162; Cent 美分
    163 £ &pound; &#163; Pound
    164 ¤ &curren; &#164; Currency 货币
    165 ¥ &yen; &#165; Yen 如果
    166 ¦ &brvbar; &#166; Broken vertical bar 断开的竖条
    167 § &sect; &#167; Section 部分
    168 ¨ &uml; &#168; Spacing diaeresis 间距分异
    169 © &copy; &#169; Copyright 版权
    170 ª &ordf; &#170; Feminine ordinal indicator 女性序数指标
    171 « &laquo; &#171; Opening/Left angle quotation mark 开/左角引号
    172 ¬ &not; &#172; Negation 否定
    173 ­Soft hyphen &shy; &#173; Soft hyphen 软连字符
    174 ® &reg; &#174; Registered trademark 注册商标
    175 ¯ &macr; &#175; Spacing macron 间距宏
    176 ° &deg; &#176; Degree 程度
    177 ± &plusmn; &#177; Plus or minus 加号或减号
    178 ² &sup2; &#178; Superscript 2 上标 2
    179 ³ &sup3; &#179; Superscript 3 上标 3
    180 ´ &acute; &#180; Spacing acute 间距锐角
    181 µ &micro; &#181; Micro
    182 &para; &#182; Paragraph 段落
    182 · &dot; &#183; Dot 段落
    184 ¸ &cedil; &#184; Spacing cedilla 间距变音
    185 ¹ &sup1; &#185; Superscript 1 上标 1
    186 º &ordm; &#186; Masculine ordinal indicator 阳性序数指标
    187 » &raquo; &#187; Closing/Right angle quotation mark 闭合/直角引号
    188 ¼ &frac14; &#188; Fraction 1/4 分数 1/4
    189 ½ &frac12; &#189; Fraction 1/2 分数 1/2
    190 ¾ &frac34; &#190; Fraction 3/4 分数 3/4
    191 ¿ &iquest; &#191; Inverted question mark 倒置问号
    192 À &Agrave; &#192; Capital a with grave accent 带有重音的大写a
    193 Á &Aacute; &#193; Capital a with acute accent 带有尖锐口音的大写a
    194 Â &Acirc; &#194; Capital a with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写字母 a
    195 Ã &Atilde; &#195; Capital a with tilde 带波浪号的大写字母 a
    196 Ä &Auml; &#196; Capital a with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写a
    197 Å &Aring; &#197; Capital a with ring 大写 a 带环
    198 Æ &AElig; &#198; Capital ae 大写字母
    199 Ç &Ccedil; &#199; Capital c with cedilla 大写 c 带 cedilla
    200 È &Egrave; &#200; Capital e with grave accent 带有重音的大写 e
    201 É &Eacute; &#201; Capital e with acute accent 带有尖音的大写 e
    202 Ê &Ecirc; &#202; Capital e with circumflex accent 带抑扬符重音的大写 e
    203 Ë &Euml; &#203; Capital e with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 e
    204 Ì &Igrave; &#204; Capital i with grave accent 带有重音的大写 i
    205 Í &Iacute; &#205; Capital i with accute accent 带有重音的大写 i
    206 Î &Icirc; &#206; Capital i with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写 i
    207 Ï &Iuml; &#207; Capital i with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 i
    208 Ð &ETH; &#208; Capital eth (Icelandic) Capital eth(冰岛语)
    209 Ñ &Ntilde; &#209; Capital n with tilde 带波浪号的大写 n
    210 Ò &Ograve; &#210; Capital o with grave accent 带有重音的大写 o
    211 Ó &Oacute; &#211; Capital o with accute accent 带有重音的大写 o
    212 Ô &Ocirc; &#212; Capital o with circumflex accent 带抑扬音符号的大写 o
    213 Õ &Otilde; &#213; Capital o with tilde 带波浪号的大写 o
    214 Ö &Ouml; &#214; Capital o with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 o
    215 × &times; &#215; Multiplication 乘法
    216 Ø &Oslash; &#216; Capital o with slash 带斜线的大写 o
    217 Ù &Ugrave; &#217; Capital u with grave accent 带有重音的大写 u
    218 Ú &Uacute; &#218; Capital u with acute accent 带有尖锐口音的大写 u
    219 Û &Ucirc; &#219; Capital u with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写 u
    220 Ü &Uuml; &#220; Capital u with umlaut 用变音符号大写 u
    221 Ý &Yacute; &#221; Capital y with acute accent 带有尖锐重音的大写 y
    222 Þ &THORN; &#222; Capital thorn (Icelandic) 首都刺(冰岛语)
    223 ß &szlig; &#223; Lowercase sharp s (German) 小写字母 sharp s (German)
    224 à &agrave; &#224; Lowercase a with grave accent 小写字母 a with grave accent
    225 á &aacute; &#225; Lowercase a with acute accent 小写字母 a with acute accent
    226 â &acirc; &#226; Lowercase a with circumflex accent 小写字母 a with circumflex accent
    227 ã &atilde; &#227; Lowercase a with tilde 小写字母 a with tilde
    228 ä &auml; &#228; Lowercase a with umlaut 小写字母 a with umlaut
    229 å &aring; &#229; Lowercase a with ring 小写字母 a with ring
    230 æ &aelig; &#230; Lowercase ae 小写字母 ae
    231 ç &ccedil; &#231; Lowercase c with cedilla 小写字母 c with cedilla
    232 è &egrave; &#232; Lowercase e with grave accent 小写字母 e with grave accent
    233 é &eacute; &#233; Lowercase e with acute accent 小写字母 e with acute accent
    234 ê &ecirc; &#234; Lowercase e with circumflex accent 小写字母 e with circumflex accent
    235 ë &euml; &#235; Lowercase e with umlaut 小写字母 e with umlaut
    236 ì &igrave; &#236; Lowercase i with grave accent 小写字母 i with grave accent
    237 í &iacute; &#237; Lowercase i with acute accent 小写字母 i with acute accent
    238 î &icirc; &#238; Lowercase i with circumflex accent 小写字母 i with circumflex accent
    239 ï &iuml; &#239; Lowercase i with umlaut 小写字母 i with umlaut
    240 ð &eth; &#240; Lowercase eth (Icelandic) 小写字母 eth (Icelandic)
    241 ñ &ntilde; &#241; Lowercase n with tilde 小写字母 n with tilde
    242 ò &ograve; &#242; Lowercase o with grave accent 小写字母 o with grave accent
    243 ó &oacute; &#243; Lowercase o with acute accent 小写字母 o with acute accent
    244 ô &ocirc; &#244; Lowercase o with circumflex accent 小写字母 o with circumflex accent
    245 õ &otilde; &#245; Lowercase o with tilde 小写字母 o with tilde
    246 ö &ouml; &#246; Lowercase o with umlaut 小写字母 o with umlaut
    247 ÷ &divide; &#247; Divide 划分
    248 ø &oslash; &#248; Lowercase o with slash 小写字母 o with slash
    249 ù &ugrave; &#249; Lowercase u with grave accent 小写字母 u with grave accent
    250 ú &uacute; &#250; Lowercase u with acute accent 小写字母 u with acute accent
    251 û &ucirc; &#251; Lowercase u with circumflex accent 小写字母 u with circumflex accent
    252 ü &uuml; &#252; Lowercase u with umlaut 小写字母 u with umlaut
    253 ý &yacute; &#253; Lowercase y with acute accent 小写字母 y with acute accent
    254 þ &thorn; &#254; Lowercase thorn (Icelandic) 小写字母 thorn (Icelandic)
    255 ÿ &yuml; &#255; Lowercase y with umlaut 小写字母 y with umlaut
    256 Ā &Amacr; &#256; Latin capital letter a with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 a
    257 ā &amacr; &#257; Latin small letter a with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 a
    258 Ă &Abreve; &#258; Latin capital letter a with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 a
    259 ă &abreve; &#259; Latin small letter a with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 a
    260 Ą &Aogon; &#260; Latin capital letter a with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 a
    261 ą &aogon; &#261; Latin small letter a with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 a
    262 Ć &Cacute; &#262; Latin capital letter c with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 c
    263 ć &cacute; &#263; Latin small letter c with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 c
    264 Ĉ &Ccirc; &#264; Latin capital letter c with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 c
    265 ĉ &ccirc; &#265; Latin small letter c with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 c
    266 Ċ &Cdot; &#266; Latin capital letter c with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 c
    267 ċ &cdot; &#267; Latin small letter c with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 c
    268 Č &Ccaron; &#268; Latin capital letter c with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 c
    269 č &ccaron; &#269; Latin small letter c with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 c
    270 Ď &Dcaron; &#270; Latin capital letter d with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 d
    271 ď &dcaron; &#271; Latin small letter d with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 d
    272 Đ &Dstrok; &#272; Latin capital letter d with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 d
    273 đ &dstrok; &#273; Latin small letter d with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 d
    274 Ē &Emacr; &#274; Latin capital letter e with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 e
    275 ē &emacr; &#275; Latin small letter e with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 e
    276 Ĕ &Ebreve; &#276; Latin capital letter e with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 e
    277 ĕ &ebreve; &#277; Latin small letter e with breve 带短音符的拉丁文小写字母 e
    278 Ė &Edot; &#278; Latin capital letter e with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 e
    279 ė &edot; &#279; Latin small letter e with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 e
    280 Ę &Eogon; &#280; Latin capital letter e with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 e
    281 ę &eogon; &#281; Latin small letter e with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 e
    282 Ě &Ecaron; &#282; Latin capital letter e with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 e
    283 ě &ecaron; &#283; Latin small letter e with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 e
    284 Ĝ &Gcirc; &#284; Latin capital letter g with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 g
    285 ĝ &gcirc; &#285; Latin small letter g with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 g
    286 Ğ &Gbreve; &#286; Latin capital letter g with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 g
    287 ğ &gbreve; &#287; Latin small letter g with breve 带短音符的拉丁文小写字母 g
    288 Ġ &Gdot; &#288; Latin capital letter g with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 g
    289 ġ &gdot; &#289; Latin small letter g with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 g
    290 Ģ &Gcedil; &#290; Latin capital letter g with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 g
    291 ģ &gcedil; &#291; Latin small letter g with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 g
    292 Ĥ &Hcirc; &#292; Latin capital letter h with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 h
    293 ĥ &hcirc; &#293; Latin small letter h with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 h
    294 Ħ &Hstrok; &#294; Latin capital letter h with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 h
    295 ħ &hstrok; &#295; Latin small letter h with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 h
    296 Ĩ &Itilde; &#296; Latin capital letter I with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文大写字母 I
    297 ĩ &itilde; &#297; Latin small letter I with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文小写字母 I
    298 Ī &Imacr; &#298; Latin capital letter I with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 I
    299 ī &imacr; &#299; Latin small letter I with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 I
    300 Ĭ &Ibreve; &#300; Latin capital letter I with breve 带有短的拉丁文大写字母 I
    301 ĭ &ibreve; &#301; Latin small letter I with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 I
    302 Į &Iogon; &#302; Latin capital letter I with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 I
    303 į &iogon; &#303; Latin small letter I with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 I
    304 İ &Idot; &#304; Latin capital letter I with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 I
    305 ı &imath; &inodot; &#305; Latin small letter dotless I 拉丁文小写字母 dotless I
    306 IJ &IJlig; &#306; Latin capital ligature ij 拉丁文大写连字 ij
    307 ij &ijlig; &#307; Latin small ligature ij 拉丁文小连字 ij
    308 Ĵ &Jcirc; &#308; Latin capital letter j with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 j
    309 ĵ &jcirc; &#309; Latin small letter j with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 j
    310 Ķ &Kcedil; &#310; Latin capital letter k with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 k
    311 ķ &kcedil; &#311; Latin small letter k with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 k
    312 ĸ &kgreen; &#312; Latin small letter kra 拉丁文小写字母 kra
    313 Ĺ &Lacute; &#313; Latin capital letter l with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 l
    314 ĺ &lacute; &#314; Latin small letter l with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 l
    315 Ļ &Lcedil; &#315; Latin capital letter l with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 l
    316 ļ &lcedil; &#316; Latin small letter l with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 l
    317 Ľ &Lcaron; &#317; Latin capital letter l with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 l
    318 ľ &lcaron; &#318; Latin small letter l with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 l
    319 Ŀ &Lmidot; &#319; Latin capital letter l with middle dot 带中点的拉丁文大写字母 l
    320 ŀ &lmidot; &#320; Latin small letter l with middle dot 带中点的拉丁文小写字母 l
    321 Ł &Lstrok; &#321; Latin capital letter l with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 l
    322 ł &lstrok; &#322; Latin small letter l with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 l
    323 Ń &Nacute; &#323; Latin capital letter n with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 n
    324 ń &nacute; &#324; Latin small letter n with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 n
    325 Ņ &Ncedil; &#325; Latin capital letter n with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 n
    326 ņ &ncedil; &#326; Latin small letter n with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 n
    327 Ň &Ncaron; &#327; Latin capital letter n with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 n
    328 ň &ncaron; &#328; Latin small letter n with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 n
    329 ʼn &napos; &#329; Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe 以Apostrophe开头的拉丁文小写字母 n
    330 Ŋ &ENG; &#330; Latin capital letter eng 拉丁文大写字母 eng
    331 ŋ &eng; &#331; Latin small letter eng 拉丁文小写字母 eng
    332 Ō &Omacr; &#332; Latin capital letter o with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 o
    333 ō &omacr; &#333; Latin small letter o with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 o
    334 Ŏ &Obreve; &#334; Latin capital letter o with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 o
    335 ŏ &obreve; &#335; Latin small letter o with breve 带短的拉丁文小写字母 o
    336 Ő &Odblac; &#336; Latin capital letter o with double acute 带有双尖角的拉丁文大写字母 o
    337 ő &odblac; &#337; Latin small letter o with double acute 带有双锐角的拉丁文小写字母 o
    338 Œ &OElig; &#338; Uppercase ligature OE 大写字母 ligature OE
    339 œ &oelig; &#339; Lowercase ligature OE 小写字母 ligature OE
    340 Ŕ &Racute; &#340; Latin capital letter r with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 r
    341 ŕ &racute; &#341; Latin small letter r with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 r
    342 Ŗ &Rcedil; &#342; Latin capital letter r with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 r
    343 ŗ &rcedil; &#343; Latin small letter r with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 r
    344 Ř &Rcaron; &#344; Latin capital letter r with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 r
    345 ř &rcaron; &#345; Latin small letter r with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 r
    346 Ś &Sacute; &#346; Latin capital letter s with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 s
    347 ś &sacute; &#347; Latin small letter s with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 s
    348 Ŝ &Scirc; &#348; Latin capital letter s with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 s
    349 ŝ &scirc; &#349; Latin small letter s with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 s
    350 Ş &Scedil; &#350; Latin capital letter s with cedilla 带有变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 s
    351 ş &scedil; &#351; Latin small letter s with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文小写字母 s
    352 Š &Scaron; &#352; Uppercase S with caron 大写字母 S with caron
    353 š &scaron; &#353; Lowercase S with caron 小写字母 S with caron
    354 Ţ &Tcedil; &#354; Latin capital letter t with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 t
    355 ţ &tcedil; &#355; Latin small letter t with cedilla 带 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 t
    356 Ť &Tcaron; &#356; Latin capital letter t with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 t
    357 ť &tcaron; &#357; Latin small letter t with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 t
    358 Ŧ &Tstrok; &#358; Latin capital letter t with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 t
    359 ŧ &tstrok; &#359; Latin small letter t with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 t
    360 Ũ &Utilde; &#360; Latin capital letter u with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文大写字母 u
    361 ũ &utilde; &#361; Latin small letter u with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文小写字母 u
    362 Ū &Umacr; &#362; Latin capital letter u with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 u
    363 ū &umacr; &#363; Latin small letter u with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 u
    364 Ŭ &Ubreve; &#364; Latin capital letter u with breve 带有短的拉丁文大写字母 u
    365 ŭ &ubreve; &#365; Latin small letter u with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 u
    366 Ů &Uring; &#366; Latin capital letter u with ring above 上面带环的拉丁文大写字母 u
    367 ů &uring; &#367; Latin small letter u with ring above 上面带环的拉丁文小写字母 u
    368 Ű &Udblac; &#368; Latin capital letter u with double acute 带有双尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 u
    369 ű &udblac; &#369; Latin small letter u with double acute 带有双锐角的拉丁文小写字母 u
    370 Ų &Uogon; &#370; Latin capital letter u with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 u
    371 ų &uogon; &#371; Latin small letter u with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 u
    372 Ŵ &Wcirc; &#372; Latin capital letter w with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 w
    373 ŵ &wcirc; &#373; Latin small letter w with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 w
    374 Ŷ &Ycirc; &#374; Latin capital letter y with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 y
    375 ŷ &ycirc; &#375; Latin small letter y with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 y
    376 Ÿ &Yuml; &#376; Capital Y with diaeres 大写 Y 与 diaeres
    402 ƒ &fnof; &#402; Lowercase with hook 小写字母 with hook
    710 ˆ &circ; &#710; Circumflex accent 抑扬顿挫的口音
    732 ˜ &tilde; &#732; Tilde 波浪号
    913 Α &Alpha; &#913; Alpha Α
    914 Β &Beta; &#914; Beta 贝塔
    915 Γ &Gamma; &#915; Gamma 伽玛
    916 Δ &Delta; &#916; Delta 三角洲
    917 Ε &Epsilon; &#917; Epsilon 厄普西隆
    918 Ζ &Zeta; &#918; Zeta 泽塔
    919 Η &Eta; &#919; Eta
    920 Θ &Theta; &#920; Theta 西塔
    921 Ι &Iota; &#921; Iota 约塔
    922 Κ &Kappa; &#922; Kappa 卡帕
    923 Λ &Lambda; &#923; Lambda 拉姆达
    924 Μ &Mu; &#924; Mu
    925 Ν &Nu; &#925; Nu 不是
    926 Ξ &Xi; &#926; Xi Xi
    927 Ο &Omicron; &#927; Omicron 奥米克戎
    928 Π &Pi; &#928; Pi 圆周率
    929 Ρ &Rho; &#929; Rho
    931 Σ &Sigma; &#931; Sigma 西格玛
    932 Τ &Tau; &#932; Tau 是的
    933 Υ &Upsilon; &#933; Upsilon 厄普西隆
    934 Φ &Phi; &#934; Phi
    935 Χ &Chi; &#935; Chi 花费
    936 Ψ &Psi; &#936; Psi 磅/平方英寸
    937 Ω &Omega; &#937; Omega 欧米茄
    945 α &alpha; &#945; alpha α
    946 β &beta; &#946; beta 测试版
    947 γ &gamma; &#947; gamma 伽玛
    948 δ &delta; &#948; delta 三角洲
    949 ε &epsilon; &#949; epsilon ε
    950 ζ &zeta; &#950; zeta 泽塔
    951 η &eta; &#951; eta
    952 θ &theta; &#952; theta θ
    953 ι &iota; &#953; iota 微塔
    954 κ &kappa; &#954; kappa 卡帕
    955 λ &lambda; &#955; lambda 拉姆达
    956 μ &mu; &#956; mu
    957 ν &nu; &#957; nu 不是
    958 ξ &xi; &#958; xi xi
    959 ο &omicron; &#959; omicron 奥米克戎
    960 π &pi; &#960; pi 圆周率
    961 ρ &rho; &#961; rho rho
    962 ς &sigmaf; &#962; sigmaf 西格玛夫
    963 σ &sigma; &#963; sigma 西格玛
    964 τ &tau; &#964; tau 是的
    965 υ &upsilon; &#965; upsilon 上司隆
    966 φ &phi; &#966; phi φ
    967 χ &chi; &#967; chi 花费
    968 ψ &psi; &#968; psi 磅/平方英寸
    969 ω &omega; &#969; omega 欧米茄
    977 ϑ &thetasym; &#977; Theta symbol θ符号
    978 ϒ &upsih; &#978; Upsilon symbol 厄普西隆符号
    982 ϖ &piv; &#982; Pi symbol 圆周率符号
    8194 En space &ensp; &#8194; En space 在太空
    8195 Em space &emsp; &#8195; Em space 空间
    8201 Thin space &thinsp; &#8201; Thin space 狭小的空间
    8204 Zero width non-joiner &zwnj; &#8204; Zero width non-joiner 零宽度非连接器
    8205 Zero width joiner &zwj; &#8205; Zero width joiner 零宽度连接器
    8206 Left-to-right mark &lrm; &#8206; Left-to-right mark 从左到右的标记
    8207 Right-to-left mark &rlm; &#8207; Right-to-left mark 从右到左的标记
    8211 &ndash; &#8211; En dash 破折号
    8212 &mdash; &#8212; Em dash 破折号
    8216 &lsquo; &#8216; Left single quotation mark 左单引号
    8217 &rsquo; &#8217; Right single quotation mark 右单引号
    8218 &sbquo; &#8218; Single low-9 quotation mark 单低 9 引号
    8220 &ldquo; &#8220; Left double quotation mark 左双引号
    8221 &rdquo; &#8221; Right double quotation mark 右双引号
    8222 &bdquo; &#8222; Double low-9 quotation mark 双低 9 引号
    8224 &dagger; &#8224; Dagger 匕首
    8225 &Dagger; &#8225; Double dagger 双匕首
    8226 &bull; &#8226; Bullet 子弹
    8230 &hellip; &#8230; Horizontal ellipsis 水平省略号
    8240 &permil; &#8240; Per mille 为了一千
    8242 &prime; &#8242; Minutes (Degrees) 分钟(度)
    8243 &Prime; &#8243; Seconds (Degrees) 秒(度)
    8249 &lsaquo; &#8249; Single left angle quotation 单左角报价
    8250 &rsaquo; &#8250; Single right angle quotation 单直角报价
    8254 &oline; &#8254; Overline 上划线
    8364 &euro; &#8364; Euro 欧元
    8482 &trade; &#8482; Trademark 商标
    8592 &larr; &#8592; Left arrow 左箭头
    8593 &uarr; &#8593; Up arrow 向上箭头
    8594 &rarr; &#8594; Right arrow 右箭头
    8595 &darr; &#8595; Down arrow 向下箭头
    8596 &harr; &#8596; Left right arrow 左右箭头
    8629 &crarr; &#8629; Carriage return arrow 回车箭头
    8704 &forall; &#8704; For all 对所有人
    8706 &part; &#8706; Part 部分
    8707 &exist; &#8707; Exist 存在
    8709 &empty; &#8709; Empty 空的
    8711 &nabla; &#8711; Nabla 纳布拉
    8712 &isin; &#8712; Is in
    8713 &notin; &#8713; Not in 不在
    8715 &ni; &#8715; Ni
    8719 &prod; &#8719; Product 产品
    8721 &sum; &#8721; Sum
    8722 &minus; &#8722; Minus
    8727 &lowast; &#8727; Asterisk (Lowast) 星号(最低)
    8730 &radic; &#8730; Square root 平方根
    8733 &prop; &#8733; Proportional to 成正比
    8734 &infin; &#8734; Infinity 无穷
    8736 &ang; &#8736; Angle 角度
    8743 &and; &#8743; And
    8744 &or; &#8744; Or 或者
    8745 &cap; &#8745; Cap
    8746 &cup; &#8746; Cup 杯子
    8747 &int; &#8747; Integral 不可缺少的
    8756 &there4; &#8756; Therefore 所以
    8764 &sim; &#8764; Similar to 如同
    8773 &cong; &#8773; Congurent to 符合
    8776 &asymp; &#8776; Almost equal 几乎相等
    8800 &ne; &#8800; Not equal 不相等
    8801 &equiv; &#8801; Equivalent 相等的
    8804 &le; &#8804; Less or equal 小于或等于
    8805 &ge; &#8805; Greater or equal 大于或等于
    8834 &sub; &#8834; Subset of 的子集
    8835 &sup; &#8835; Superset of 的超集
    8836 &nsub; &#8836; Not subset of 不是子集
    8838 &sube; &#8838; Subset or equal 子集或等于
    8839 &supe; &#8839; Superset or equal 超集或相等
    8853 &oplus; &#8853; Circled plus 带圆圈的加号
    8855 &otimes; &#8855; Circled times 圈出时间
    8869 &perp; &#8869; Perpendicular 垂直
    8901 &sdot; &#8901; Dot operator 点运算符
    8968 &lceil; &#8968; Left ceiling 左天花板
    8969 &rceil; &#8969; Right ceiling 右天花板
    8970 &lfloor; &#8970; Left floor 左楼
    8971 &rfloor; &#8971; Right floor 右楼层
    9674 &loz; &#9674; Lozenge 菱形
    9824 &spades; &#9824; Spade
    9827 &clubs; &#9827; Club 俱乐部
    9829 &hearts; &#9829; Heart
    9830 &diams; &#9830; Diamond 钻石